Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm a Working Girl Now! Wait...That Sounds Wrong...

Tonight I was introduced to a baby as The Incredibly Shrinking Kelly. True story. This baby, William, has a mohawk. Which means this baby's cool status is already 1,000 points higher than mine. But that's ok, because I have a blog, and somebody introduced me by the title of said blog. He can't even read, so I'm way ahead in the scholastic points. Granted he's six months old and I'm 31, but really, it's the competition that counts. I can probably out arm wrestle him too...mohawk or no.

Speaking of competition, I feel like I need one. I don't know if that's even true. But, I need something other than the sheer number of pounds I have left to lose to motivate me. By the way, somehow the 5k is just a mere month and a half away, and I've trained all of a day or two for it. Yes, a day. Or two. Ugh. I might die. But there's beer and live music at the end of the 5k, so if I die, it'll be a very convenient time for a wake. Feel free to go all Irish for me.

It's probably not a good excuse for having only worked out a couple of times, but I got a job!!! I'm back in the mortgage industry, which is an awesome use for my Biblical Studies degree, and my Psychology degree. Oh well. It at least allows for interesting conversation. And my non-ministry and non-therapy related job does come along with a paycheck, which allows me to afford the things in my life I'll need to start the Incredibly Shrinking Kelly part deux! This time with money! So far I have blender bottles for protein shakes (heck, I can afford protein shakes again!), a new pair of workout pants, and 10 extra pounds. Yep. 10 extra pounds. As in, I lost 'em before, and I get to lose 'em again. The important thing is I'm not bitter.

So, here's the down part about having a job again, and yes, contrary to what my roommate - who appreciates my new found ability to contribute to little things like groceries and electric bills again - might say, there is a down side. Like, now I have to pack clothes, and food prior to leaving my house early enough to get to the gym, work out, shower, get pretty (while having shaky muscles), and then drive the rest of the way to my job in Dallas, where I stiffen up the whole time I'm sitting at my desk, only to leave the office, drive home in my car that smells like a gym bag, and collapse before doing it all again tomorrow.

But it's worth it, right?

Unfortunately I'm not so organized of a person, and so I've only successfully done this twice since starting my new job. However, I don't want those 10lbs to bring back their buddies, the other 53lbs, and so I've gotta figure out a way to motivate my butt to become that organized. I'd much rather my muscles bring back their ability to walk up stairs. Way to aim high Kelly. But it's true. I'd like those little calorie munchers to take down another 63lbs, or heck, maybe 75lbs this year. Ok, secretly I want to lose 100lbs this year, but I'm not sure I've got the motivation or discipline for it.

Or do I?

Just questioning it makes me want to prove I can. Seriously, I'm competitive with a 6 month old for cool points, you think I'm not competitive with myself? But I really do think that I should work on some sort of reward based system, or competition system (if anyone's in), or accountability, or SOMEthing. I'm just not sure what. So, who has a suggestion? Comment here or Facebook, but who has a thought? How does Kelly keep going in this newly heightened level of responsibility, ie: the real world where folks work for a living, and still get it done? Because I'll tell you this much, 6am is not my favorite hour of the day. And making a ton of food beforehand to pack into lunches, not my favorite way to spend a sunday. And the stench of sweaty clothes in a car, in a parking garage all day is not something that should be bottled and sold next to Clinique Happy anytime soon. But it's worth it.

So how do I remember that it's worth it?

Ready....go! Comment away, here or FB, because I really *do* want your ideas. They are probably better than my own. Well, as long as I get to keep some Scholastic points that is.

1 comment:

  1. You on Sundays ain't half bad. Once you get used to it you'll enjoy it. It becomes a challenge of "what am I going to cook for this week"?

    I can't remember what Gym you belong to. Is there one by your office? I'm all about working out after work. Probably not the best time but it's easier for me. Can't do the early mornings.

    Congrats on the job Kelly!!! Keep up the great work - don't let those "pounds" get in your way!
