Saturday, September 17, 2011

How Rachael Changed My Life

Is this thing still on?

It's like I walked into an auditorium, got all of the fan fare going, and then simply left the stage. This is not a good way to start a blog, but it is true. So, for anyone awaiting an update on here, please forgive me, and don't eat the donuts in the back, they've surely gone stale by now. Of course this is a blog about weight loss, so, just don't eat donuts. Ever. Unless you subscribe to the moderation in all things diet, but I could never actually handle that, which leads to deeps feelings of shame and regret, which then drives me back to the donuts I was only going to eat in moderation, but now am eating because I feel like a colossal failure, and am wondering by now if anyone will ever love me because I can't fix my feelings with donuts and expect someone to fall in love with that girl, which means that I'll become the cat lady, even though I'm not the biggest fan of cats, and probably sit on my front porch alienating my family and yelling at kids for walking on my grass (please, I live in Texas, let's be honest and call it my unprocessed hay), and I might even get a shot gun just to scare them, though I'd never have it loaded, but it'd be a great scare tactic, which would probably land me in prison. So, now if I eat a donut, I go to prison. 

Welcome to how my mind works.

So, I this thing still on?

Confession #2, I almost had to start a new blog because I lost both my username and password to this one. Awesome, right? In a word, no. But the other day I was playing with the idea of starting a blog about my attempts to lose weight this year, when I remembered, oh yeah, I already had that idea! After about an hour or so of trying to hack my own account, I finally remembered the correct combination of both a username I never use, and a password about as familiar as Siberia (though I wouldn't mind actually checking that place out one day), I got in. Then I was tired of messing with stuff, so I wrote down the info and left it behind for a week.

If you are still reading this, and you haven't abandoned me on sheer principle, thank you! Now to actually get busy writing about life! :)

So, what prompted this sudden return to blogging? Well, a couple of things. 1) I've actually been doing quite a bit of writing lately in an attempt to write a 10 week study on the book of 2nd Timothy. Yes, I've actually been splitting a 4 chapter book of the Bible into 50 lessons. Yes, this sounds and feels like overkill. Yes, I absolutely love it. But in the midst of writing the 200 or so pages it's going to wind up being, I realized that I needed another creative outlet for writing, because, quite frankly, if all I ever wrote about was the Apostle Paul, and how we simply don't understand how much God actually loves us, I was going to get stabby. Yes, I just said that writing about God's love sometimes makes me stabby. Honestly, I cannot imagine a better way to spend my time than studying God's word, and writing down what He shows me in it, in a desire to share that with other folks one day and hopefully, by His grace, see them get to know Him better. But, sometimes I wanna talk about something else. Sometimes I wanna talk about Romans, or Genesis, or why I have my leg propped up on a pillow when I sit on the couch. You know, applicable stuff like that. So, I decided to resurrect this blog. Insert vague zombie reference here.

2) I was at a Bible Study that I go to this past thursday, when my friend Rachael came up to me. This study was on the annual summer hiatus prior to the week before, and Rachael missed the first week back, so we'd gone a whole summer and a week without seeing each other. She came up to me and we shared our "oh man, I've missed you"s when she said, "Michelle told me you've lost weight, and you really have! You look great!" I cannot tell you how stoked I get when folks notice. It's like crack for me. (Wait, can I make both a zombie reference, drug reference, AND Biblical references all in the same blog posting? I will probably get an email for this.) I said, "Yeah, I've been working really hard at it", and she said, "Yeah, I've been following on Facebook, but then noticed that you stopped talking about it".

I swear to you, it was like lightening struck my head right then and there. Some folks get light bulbs, I get lightening bolts. I said, "Really? I figured folks were getting tired of me constantly talking about going to the gym", and her reply was priceless, "Actually, no, I was really encouraged by it".

So at that moment I knew, The Incredibly Shrinking Kelly would have to begin again. And there would be the need for filler posts to talk about the last year of my life, and there would be the need to write often in order to catch everyone up to where I am now, and there would need to continue to be pillows to prop my knee up on (more on that later, but spoiler alert: I done jacked up my IT Band), but it could be done. It could be done because it was something that gave me great joy to do, and encouraged at least Rachael's heart. It could be done because it wasn't the same type of writing I am doing for the 2nd Timothy book at all, and that creative outlet might actually make the other writing better. It could be done because, well, it can be done.

So...I'm stepping up to the microphone to let you in on my weight loss journey yet again. I hope this thing is on, and please, for the love of freedom and children, stay away from the donuts.

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