Monday, October 23, 2017


And that is how I'm feeling today.

Which makes it sound like I'm upset. I'm not. I'm discombobulated (which, by the way, is a word I have always loved. If folks are allowed to hate on "moist" I'm allowed to love on "discombobulated"). Have you ever had those days where you feel like you're supposed to be doing something, but you can't quite put your finger on it? Not one of those days where you have a check list, and you forgot to get laundry detergent...again...and so you're afraid the mountain by your hamper (because who actually does laundry every time that thing gets full?) might contain actual living creatures soon if you DON'T remember the laundry detergent and do some dang laundry like a real live adult. Not that. Not that I've ever experienced that.

But the days when you look out your window and think, there's something I'm supposed to be doing, and I'm not doing it. I'm having one of those days. I would wonder if I were the only one, but quite frankly Belle sang a song about it, so at least Alan Menken, Howard Ashman, and I are on the same page here.

Can we all just agree that that song is one of the best parts of the entire movie? It's like 1:20 of my journal, if I were ever disciplined enough to actually write in one.

Speaking of...hi. This is me writing. About nothing. And so much more than nothing. Because so many people in my life tell me I should write. And, because I love writing. But I'm terribly, terribly, shy about writing. True story. And, half the time I have little to nothing to say. It's like my heart is full of a thousand words that all come out like "mfhmschnimanopoly" when I want to start putting fingers to keyboard. So I just look at the screen, shake my head, and click "cancel".

I think I've just changed my mind. I don't love "discombobulated" anymore. "Mfhmschnimanopoly" is so much better. How do we go about making that a real word? Spoiler: I had a completely different title to this blog when I began it.

This is one of those moments. I have literally typed three paragraphs worth of words in this exact spot, and deleted them all. I don't want to sound self-congratulatory. I don't want to sound angsty. I don't want to sound dramatic, or morose, or unintelligible, or a million other things that I fear sounding like every time I write. I just...

I think sometimes I just want to reach over through the internet, lock eyes with someone, and say "you too?" Because I don't think Belle and I have the market cornered on thinking there's something that we're supposed to be doing, that whether it's fear, insecurity, lack of planning, or provision, whatever the deal is, that we're just not doing it.

So there you have it. More than a facebook post, less than a book (thank you Tonia). Life somewhere in the middle. Dreaming in the field, wondering what's past the wind. This blog started out about weight loss...maybe it'll stay that way? Maybe it won't. I. Have. No. Idea.

I have words. I'm Irish...I was born with about 8.4 million words as genetically passed down from one Irish person to another. It's a qualifier for sure. I just have to get them out. And for some reason, people tell me they want to hear them. me stay honest here friends. Maybe I just need to get involved in that "d" word I said up there earlier. The "discipline" of putting fingers to keys and just typing, whether I have anything to really say or not.

Or maybe it's that other "d" word..."dreaming". Nope...that one is scary. Let's go back to discipline.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

How Did I NOT Just Die???

I easily just had the hardest work out of my life. And that's saying a lot considering I used to work out with 180 extra pounds on me. 

I've been working on a 21 day challenge an amazing friend and Fitness Professional gave me. And when I say fitness professional, read also "he's a body builder, so I might die". My goal is to complete every single work out he gives me, and burn no less than 600 calories per work out. 

And. I. Have. Been. Killing. It. 

Hey look!! I said something nice about me! That's different! 

So Thursday morning I woke up with a massive migraine. Like the bad kind that has you wishing someone would just shoot you and be done with it. Let's just say I didn't get my work out in. Friday I had the risidual effects of said migraine, so no workout then either. Which started to pile on the typical shame I've come to know so well. 

But today is Saturday! And Saturday I woke up with zero pain. So back to the gym I went! I thought, I could start on day 8 (where I had left off on my work outs) and see how I do. So, on to the elliptical I went for my 15 minute warm up. 

Then I did this workout:

Usually, this alone would be enough to kill me. I mean...those are a lot of reps!!! YouTube 21's if you don't know what they are. I did, and thought, clearly Adam wants me to die. But this was week 2 already, and believe it or not, the work out was a lot easier than last week. Still working my way up to a 60lbs power clean, but I'm getting closer!! 

After said magical work out of bicepy goodness, I went and sat in the sauna for 15 minutes. I always consider this the dessert portion of working my butt off so hard in the gym. It gives me time to just sit and think about everything I've just done and dream about everything I'm gonna do. 

Only this time was different. Usually I sit in the sauna with my eyes closed, or staring down at my phone or one particular spot on the wall or floor to avoid awkward sweaty eye contact with other ladies trying to squeeze out a few more calories in their work outs. But today, I was looking up, and a woman walked in who absolutely blew me away. She came in an started shadow boxing. In. The. Sauna. 

It's like 100 degrees in there! And she's doing cardio! I was doing well to sit and breathe, and here she comes in running in place, throwing punches, dodging, and kneeing some imaginary bad guy in the face, and I'll admit, I totally stared. 

I tried to avoid it at first. I would watch then look away, then watch again, etc. Eventually I just gave in and watched her for the last few minutes I was in there. I just kept thinking "how the heck does she even know what to do?? What combo is that? Holy crow did she just get faster?!? Oh. Now she's running in place. Dude! I WANT TO BE HER WHEN I GROW UP!!!" As I left, I looked her square in the eyes and said "You. Are a bad ass" and walked out. She smiled and bowed a little and said thank you. She was amazing. 

Fully inspired by my new fitness idol, I decided to take my already exhausted body, and go tear it up some more. Remember, I had already worked out for an hour, so I thought: I'm just going to do the whole thing again, only I'll do yesterday's work out that I missed! So I hopped on the treadmill and did this:

In case you missed it...THAT'S A SUB 20:00 MILE!!! 

So, in high school, clearly I was not in athletics. I was in PE. And in PE, you have to eventually do some sort of fitness test to see if you can accomplish what even the bare minimum of athletic expectations might be. Part of this is the dreaded 20:00 mile. Basically the coach brings all of the hooligan non-athletes like myself out to the track and says run around this thing 4 times and you're done. Most of the other boys and girls finished in 15 minutes or so. It took me about 30. 

I remember the coach walking the last lap with me, trying to encourage me to go faster. Telling me how far behind I was and how much I needed to make up. Maybe she thought I was just blowing it off. I wasn't. I was just a 300+lbs teenager who couldn't keep up. 

Every. Single. Time. I've trained in the past, I have tried my hardest to hit that goal I got when I was 16. And Every. Single. Time. I've failed. I've come close, mind you. I've hit 21:45 more often than I care to admit. Even got to 21:00 once, but could never quite hit a 20:00 mile. 

Today, after working out for an hour already, all of that changed. I hit 19:30. Eighteen years later, 16 year old Kelly hit her goal. I passed the test.

I'm normal. 

No. I'm a bad ass. 

Because AFTER my work out, then my performance record, I then went on to do my Friday work out. This: 

Which means when all was said and done, I had worked out for this long:

And burnt this many calories:

Which means while I started out like this: 

I ended up like this:

That's probably the least flattering picture of me ever. But I don't care. Because I was a bad ass. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Lies I Believe 1

So I made this post Lies I Believe (part) 1, because honestly, I think know there are a LOT more than just one to two lies I believe. I know they are lies. But do I? Because I believe them. And if I do know that they are lies, but believe them anyways, what does that say about me?

It probably says that I need a whole lot of grace.

Or mental help, but you know, hey, I'm good with that.

I've been playing around with this idea for a little while about writing about LIB (because if I really type out "Lies I Believe" 4,200 times I will get seriously seriously tired of typing). Why? Because I think know I'm not the only one who believes something about myself, or the world around me that simply isn't true. And like I said in my last post, this blog started out as being very much about me and for me, but then suddenly morphed into something I never saw coming, and that was something about me, but for you.

My soul is railing against that last sentence. Like everything inside of me just welled up and called myself a pretentious jerk. How arrogant am I to think that I have something to put out there that could help? I'm no hero. I don't have a single thing figured out. Who am I to talk? Just sit back, and shut up. (Internal Kelly needs a Snickers or SOMEthing. Daaaang internal Kelly!)

But maybe that's one of the first lies I believe. I don't matter.

And here's the truth of it. I don't. This is not some sort of self-deprecating sentence that is suddenly going to have everyone going, "wait, I liked the Rocky analogies better!"...we're getting there. But first, let's be real. I am one single human being in a world populated with billions and billions of human beings. I am a part of one generation on a planet that has housed more generations than I know how to compute, and has Lord knows how many generations to follow. In the grand scheme of things, I truly am insignificant.

If that doesn't do it for you, then let's expand even further. I am in one spot on one couch in Lewisville, TX, Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Known Universe, Unknown Universe. I'm also pretty positive I just stole that from a play...or something. I'm not sure, but I'm positive if I hit publish on this post my Literary or Theatre minded friends will jump all over me with references from Our Town, it Our Town? Since I'm botching the quote completely, I don't know how to look that one up.

Gotta love that I totally just interrupted myself.

So here's the deal. When I went out to the beaches of Mexico last fall, I saw miles and miles of sandy perfection. I mean, waves upon waves crashing so majestically against layers and layers of white sand. Sometimes pushing it further inland, and sometimes sucking it back out into the water. It was spectacular. And nobody on planet earth can tell you how much sand is there. Oh, they can guestimate how many cubic tons, or whatnot there might be. But no one can say, why Kelly, there are "72.687 gajillion grains of sand on the pacific coast of Mexico alone". To which I would just smile and say, "yeah, but I was on the Caribbean side". And that's just one country! One little spot compared to the entire coastline of oh say, Australia, or Asia. Any rational human being would say "a grain of sand is insignificant".

That is, until a grain of sand gets in your shoe (or worse, your swimsuit) and starts to rub against tender flesh. Now what was insignificant becomes extraordinarily significant, what did not matter, becomes preeminent,  and no amount of outdoor showering is getting rid of the burn it left behind.

It mattered. Not because it was one of gajillions of grains of sand, but because it connected. Not with the 8 billion people on planet earth during this generation alone, but because it somehow wound up in my flip flop, between my leather strap and the top of my foot.

Could any grain of sand fill that spot, and do just as well at scraping up my sissy foot? Sure it could have. My callouses are on the bottom of my feet, not the top. But it wasn't just any grain of sand. It was that grain, or those handful of grains.

Insignificance obtained significance. At least to me.

So. Do I matter? In the grand scheme of things? No. I don't even register as a blip on the radar of existence. It's why we are in awe when we stare at mountains and oceans and star filled skies. We feel small. And we should remember that we are small.

But do I matter? Oh yes. Yes I do. I matter to so many friends, so many family members that I bounce up against, and sometimes even rub the wrong way. To my dogs I am the bringer of food, and affection (probably prioritized in that order). To my family I am the eternal little sister (no, really, I swear I'm actually an adult guys!), daughter, granddaughter, cousin, niece, aunt. To my friends, I am goofy, or serious, kind, or kind of a pain. But to everyone, I am Kelly, regardless of my relationship status with you. Just Kelly. Intrinsic and Extrinsic value. Value because of who I am, and to whom I belong. And I'm ok with that.

And Kelly struggles with lies she believes, like that she doesn't matter. Like, she shouldn't write, because who would care? But there's some sand in Mexico that proved otherwise, and a little scar on the top of my right foot that says, "even the littlest guy matters".

The smallest effort. The one last minute, last rep, last bite of food. It all matters. Because it matters to me. I wonder what life would look like if we all believed that what we did, or even more personally, who we are, actually mattered. Not in some moralistic behaviorism sort of way, but in the real deal day to day.

I'm pretty positive that's what every Dove commercial on youtube is about. And I think that's why they all make us cry.

You matter. I matter. Don't believe the lie.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Shake it Off

Why hello again. It's been a long time.

Ok, that was verging on creepy. But here's the truth: sometimes I have SO much to say, I have no idea where to start. And so what winds up happening is I open my mouth, and awkward comes out. But don't worry, I usually have a point, and very rarely does it remain creepy. Though awkward is NOT off of the table.

Let's try this again.

I kind of hate writing that. Can I just be really really honest for a second and say that I *hate* having to talk about new beginnings every few months, because it seems that I get all inspired, peak, and then come crashing right back to old bad habits, only to get inspired again, and repeat said cycle. As if y'all can't read that every time I write about "coming back".

I hate come backs.

But then again, don't we all need them? Like, aren't we actually kind of head over heels for them? That sense that that last failure wasn't the final nail in the coffin, and we are done for? That hope that maybe, just maybe, the 42nd time we screwed something up, that somewhere out there is someone willing to say, "Yep...let's go for 43! I bet 43 is your magic number! You can do it this time".

I don't know about you, but I need that. I am desperate for it.

I love come backs.

So this is my come back story. Not just to the world of getting healthier, but honestly to all of it. The writing, the sweating, the cooking, the cleaning up of life. It's spring, and that means renewal. That means attempt number 43 without so much as an eye roll from my friends and family, let alone from me. Ok...maybe I have rolled my eyes at myself a time or two. Possibly even while writing this.

So, I have some confessions to make. This last silent period was somewhat intentional. Goodness that sounds attention seeking. It's really not. I was intentionally not writing (instead of it simply slipping my mind). Why? I pretend you ask. Because I got terribly discouraged as a writer, and I'm just not angsty enough to turn discouragement into good writing. I'm lucky to turn a natural runners high into good writing. The culprit? Something I absolutely love. Something that makes me giggle constantly. Something that when I'm frustrated at work, I'll actually google in order to laugh at my desk for 10 minutes before getting back to the frustration. That something? Someecards. Yes, that's a real thing, and no it's not misspelled (I have it up in my web browser now).

I adore those hilarious little bastards. They make me laugh like nothing else, and there are about 800 of them that I would love to post at any moment if I weren't afraid that Liberty University would snatch back my Biblical Studies degree in a heart beat if the alumni association saw me post them. But the truth of the matter is that they make me laugh. A lot. So I look them up all of the time.

A few months back, on Facebook, I noticed a few of my friends posting one particular card over and over again, or some version of it. Whether they actually posted the card itself, or posted their own status update with something similar, the basic theme was this:

And all of the sudden, I wasn't laughing. I was a little embarrassed. I have a blog, nearly entirely devoted to me writing about dieting, working out, and the struggles therein. Have I just been embarrassing myself by thinking someone might get encouraged by it? Have my friends been rolling their eyes thinking, "Yep, there's yet another sweaty picture of Kelly on Facebook. Gross."

The answer I came to tonight was, "maybe".

As a people pleaser from way back, that still stings. As someone who finds a lot of her identity in how others view her, that's a little bit crushing. And as someone who struggles, oh so much, with trying to get up again for another round that will just knock me in the face, it honestly just hurt.

And so for a few months I went quiet. Worse than that. I was quenched. Like wet blanket on a fire, quenched. I was wrung out and discouraged, not just from working out, but from wanting to write at all. From thinking "who the heck cares what I have to say on anything"? I'd love to say that all of that came from a dumb someecard, but the truth of the matter is that would be way too simple. All of that came from my own fears, my own insecurities, my own weaknesses that creep up into my soul and whisper to my ears that I am a failure, disappointment, fill in the blank.

And it's crap.

But it is So. Very. Universal.

And while this blog very much started out as just my means of being real, of being vulnerable, and letting some stuff out there into the great internet cosmos of friends and somehow morphed into something more. It became a thing where friends would write me messages or comments, or pull up beside me in the back alley of our neighborhood, and say "hey, that meant something to me. I was encouraged. I was inspired." This blog that was very very much about me, and for me, became about so many people and for everyone.

Because don't we all struggle? Don't we all have insecurities? Don't we all fail? Am I the only one? I don't think I am. Whether you are on chance number 43 or 453, I think we all need another shot. Another serving of mercy to lift up our faces and say, "It's ok. I still believe in you".

Whether that comes to trying to write, trying to work out, trying to lose weight, trying to lose insecurities, trying to get along with your spouse, or not kill the kids, trying to get out of debt, or get out of town, trying to make it in the world, or make it out of bed. We are all just trying.

And that's something worth sharing. Not because I've arrived. But because I need another chance too.

So, no, I didn't fall off of my treadmill. I got back on it. For the 453rd time.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Lesson in Fainting

So, one of the things I've struggled with in 2014 has been consistency of any kind. Well, that's not entirely true. I'm incredible at consistently being self indulgent. Case in point: I was just at work the other day talking about how I was about to start getting serious about my work outs...literally SECONDS after said conversation I'm volunteering to go on a DQ run. Because what people who are serious about building muscle and losing weight are all about are Pumpkin Pie Blizzards. Oh Lord those are good. So. Very. Good. 

So, the last time I was here I was mapping out a whole diet and exercise plan that was going to just kill it for me. Then next thing I know I go into some kind of crazy flu like plague, so I don't make it beyond the first couple of weeks. I went ultra low carb and started to work out consistently all for the first time really since dropping so much weight. So during this crazy flu like time (where I'm feeling no actual fever), my body was getting crazy hot, but I was freezing. All. Of. The. Time. A friend at work suggested I was menopausal. I gave her an AMAZING "go to H E Double Hockey Sticks" look and not so gently reminded her that I was only 33. Then promptly cried into my beef jerky while my body roasted in an ice cube. 

The crazy inferno blizzard all came to a head on a beautiful June night (yes those can happen in Texas), when a sweet man I met a few years ago invited me to walk on fire. As in, light wood on fire, let it burn, and then spread the embers along the ground, and walk BAREFOOT across them. On purpose. Of course I jumped at the opportunity! I had done one of Charles' fire walking events once before, and this was perfect timing for me. I was starting a new journey of intentionally busting out those last 100lbs, and now I was given the chance to stare down some fire and overcome fear, overcome anxiety, overcome the pain, overcome every obstacle, and I was stoked. I cannot more highly recommend it if you ever get the opportunity!!

So I pulled up to his home and by the grace of God and some amazing guidance from the fire walking instructors, I walked. 

And then I fainted. 

Like true blue fainted. 

One minute I'm swaying to the music thinking about how excited I was to face this challenge, and the next minute I'm falling forward (TOWARD the fire mind you, because, you know, I'm me and I've got to mix it up a bit right???), falling into someone's arms, all to the sounds of a beautiful Baritone voice singing This Is the Moment from Jekyll and Hyde. 

I was SO embarrassed. The folks at the fire walk were AMAZING. Genuinely. But my soul had just gone from Rocky Balboa defeating the Russian, to Rudy getting pulverized by something twice my size. From the mountain top to the back alley in one broadway show tune. Everyone was so gracious, so concerned, and so generous with their support. I, however, went right back into my routine of beating myself up, and just wanting to hide.

So beat myself up and hide I did. All because I fell.

I immediately increased my carb intake back to normal human levels, and stopped working out. Mystery fever went away, and I went a little crazy. Every diet that has ever worked for me historically has been a low carb diet. But what I never knew back then was that I was diabetic, or on my way to becoming one.

Now I was not only NOT diabetic, I actually run a little low most of the time. I went from blood sugar levels in the 600's to blood sugar levels in the 60's. Then, I was actively working out 1-2 times per day (that's right...two-a-days), now I was working out like 1-2 times per quarter. In other words I went from 0-90 in about 3 seconds and for some reason my body didn't like it. So I fainted.

If only I had been so gentle with myself back then. I might not have waited 4 months to update my blog with my results.

So, here it's been four months, and I have gained, yes gained 12lbs. I was 262lbs, now I'm 274lbs.

I ate whatever I wanted, became paranoid about what diet would work for me, and seriously contemplated shutting down my blog. I can't tell you how many times I laid alone in bed wondering if I had taken off 180lbs (down from the ultimate high of 450lbs), only to gain it all back by next Christmas. I would look at my loose size 24s and wonder if I needed to save some money to get my 34s back.

I just knew it was all too good to be true. 

Then things started to change. One of my best friends, Bobby, got a job where he was working from home, and I started to think through all of the ways I would change my life if I got the opportunity to work from home. I would start cooking again (something I truly miss). I would use my lunch breaks to work out (because who cares if you're a stinky sweaty mess on your couch?). I would regroup, refocus, and try again.

Then something truly crazy happened. I got the opportunity to work from home. Not every day, but a couple of days per week. And. I. Love. It!

I got to sleep in an extra 45 minutes without my commute, shower, or basic practice of human hygiene. I got to snack on chips and salsa while working on reports, and run to the Sonic by my house for lunch. I got to gain more weight.

So Friday I was sitting at home reading emails when I remembered. This isn't what I was dreaming about. What happened to the girl who would be marinating chicken to grill? Or doing bicep curls in-between emails? What happened to the hour long lunch on the treadmill, and the Tabata squat fest break. That's right, I said squats, Tabata style! Where was Rocky?

Where was the Kelly that cared, and yes, might get beat up, but Got. Back. Up?

She was here. On my couch. Eating chips and queso.

And for the first time in months, I grieved.

I grieved over my feelings of failure, my feelings of shame, my fears that I wouldn't make it. I grieved over the loss of my Dad and some of those catalysts that got me in the 200's. I didn't cry, I grieved. And I got back up.

I logged off for my lunch break and got on the treadmill.

I went into the workout room and lifted weights.

I got back up.

Because we ALL get knocked down.

Relapse is absolutely a part of recovery. It's not about whether or not I fall. I absolutely will fall. But will I get back up?

This time I did. And I'm better for it.

Someone ring the bell, it's time for the next round.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

30, 60, and 90 days o' fun!'s been 14 months since my big surgery day, and in that time a few things have changed. I got a promotion, I bought a boat, my first ever new car, and a tiny little vacation property in Hot Springs, Arkansas that I'm absolutely in love with. My latest nephew, Colin came into the world, I went to Ireland with my brother, and in just a couple of weeks my oldest niece will be a teenager. I rode my bike more, kayaked for the first time (totally thought I would die when I flipped out of the kayak and learned the hard way that rivers keep flowing whether you are in your boat or not), and walked a 5k with my oldest brother (who skunked me, but I was still over 300lbs, and he's 6'1" and I'm 5'4", and...and...well, he skunked me). Oh, and I've lost 144lbs. 

So basically I've lost a lot of weight, and a lot of my savings account. But man has it been fun! 

My weight took a HUGE dive during the first 8 months or so post op, and then slowly yet surely I hit plateau after plateau. At first I was dropping 10lbs per week! Biggest Loser numbers without the joys of Jillian yelling at me to puke, or die but keep walking. Then after that point everything kind of just stopped. I'd stay the same weight for a week straight, gain a pound or two (how the heck does one GAIN weight after weight loss surgery???) for a week, lose that same pound or two for a week, wash, rinse, and repeat for the last 6 months straight. 

So, sometimes I'd want to blog, but wouldn't because I thought, "I haven't been that successful". Or I'd think, "man, I'm under 300lbs, I should blog!" But then I'd look at a picture and think I didn't really look any different, so I wouldn't. There were times when I thought "I should do a year in review", but then life was just busy with all of the kayaking, spending money, and whatnot, so I wouldn't. 

For the last week or so I've really been struggling with seeing the change. I look in the mirror and think, "I know I've lost weight, but do I still look like that 450lbs girl?" People still come to me and say they see a difference, but after 3 months of the scale telling me there hasn't been a difference, I can't help but think, maybe I haven't done as well as I thought? Next thing I know I'm staring at myself in the full length mirror in the bathroom at work, while drying my hands, thinking, "all of this change, and yet I'm still huge". I just don't see what they see. 

I know I'm probably just dealing with some body dismorphia, but knowing that's true, doesn't change my reflection. 

So, I decided to heck with the scale! It's time to hit up some new goals. Before I had surgery I was a beast in the gym. I was strong, determined, and steadfast, and I want that again. I also ate like a caveman, and felt great about it. 

So the other day a friend of mine at work and I were talking. She wants to lose some weight, and at 268lbs, I've still got plenty to lose myself, so we decided to do a friendly competition. Careful to not make it scale centric, I said, "why don't we take 30 days and stick, hardcore, to a diet? No cheats, and we have to log every single meal on My Fitness Pal before we go to bed at night. So that if I see you in the morning and you haven't logged your food, well, you better not have gone to sleep since yesterday! If one of us cheats, or forgets to log, we have to wash, and detail (interior and exterior) the other person's car! Whatever the scale does, who cares. In the end, we'll have totally changed our health, and worked on atleast one great behavior". Lara bit, and the competition starts tomorrow. What's funny is that since the goal isn't to be better than, or beat the other, I really get to be her biggest cheerleader in this, and vice versa. Competitive Kelly on the softer gentler cycle. I kind of like it. 

So, I'm starting my first diet since surgery. 14 months later and I'm finally going back to the healthy way of eating. I don't know if I'll lose a single pound, and honestly I'm not sure if I care. What I do know, is that I'm going to be a heck of a lot healthier than I was 30 days ago. 

My diet has one rule so far: stay under 40 grams of carbs per day. That's it. My body is VERY carb sensitive. Like flaming diabetic with blood sugar levels over 600 at one point carb sensitive, and I never EVER want to go back.  So reducing carbs has ALWAYS been beneficial for me. I would never recommend that for everyone else. I mean seriously, if I don't even use the same shampoo as you because we have different hair types, why would we assume our diets should be the same? I just know I feel very very healthy on a high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diet, so for 30 days I'm going back to it. Carbs will be in the form of veggies, and fruit. In that order. Which is the part I dread. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right? 

But wait! There's more! 

While that's it for the diet challenge with Lara, I'm also going to take the next 90 days and take advantage of the fact that I live with a Personal Trainer (Lord help me). The first 30 days (June 16th - July 16th) I will be developing habits of working out five mornings per week at 6am, and doing yoga two nights per week at 6:15pm. Yep, that means a two a day work out twice per week (except of course at month end...I DO work in the mortgage industry after all). Great habits, and a full month to remind my body what sweat smells like. 

The second 30 days will be spent specifically on building muscle. That means lifting. Heavy. Which also means that I. Will. Be. Sore. But it'll be good. I've lost a lot of my old physical strength, and I want it back. Plus, I ain't gonna lie, now that I can see and feel bones I've NEVER seen nor felt, I kind of think they're weird looking and would like to put some pretty pretty muscle on top of them. July 16th through August 16th is my muscle building time. A lot can happen in 30 days, and I don't have any unreasonable expectations that I'll come out of it looking like Sarah from Chuck, but it'll help, right?

The third 30 day challenge for me (August 16th - September 16th) is for me to work on becoming the thing I've wanted to be since kindergarten. A runner. I've always been slow. I've always had terrible endurance, and month three is the time to change that. Month three is how long and hard can I go. Endurance month. My dream is that after a month I'd be able to run a full mile. 

So, Lara's on board, Erica's on board, and I know I've got the loving support of so many friends and family members. If you want to follow my food on My Fitness Pal, send me a friend request. 

Here's to the healthiest Kelly I've ever been in 90 days! This one ought to be a lot easier on ye olde check book at least. And here's to saying "screw you!" To the mirror when the girl in it lies.

After all, it's just a piece of glass. 

Before challenge pictures today. 
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 268lbs
Tank Top: Size 22/24
Capris: Size 24

Oh, and I NEVER wear a tank top in public...basically because I hate my arms. Buuuut I wanted to have some before pictures that showed my body. Just be thankful I didn't post the ones of me in my sports bra. 

And with THAT mental image...I hope you are all having a very Happy Father's Day!!! Hug your dads.

I'd give anything in the world to be able to hug mine again. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Free Clothes! Annnnd I'm now accepting Gift Cards....

Hey Everyone! 

So I was going to post this as a Facebook status, but figured I talk WAY too much for that. SO, with that being said, here's a blog post for ya. 

I'm finally cleaning out my closet today. Which is both therapeutic, and possibly something that might lead me to therapy. It's hard to have always been the big girl who couldn't ever find clothes, to just yesterday I was at JC Pennys looking for sheets and glanced at the Women's section and found clothes that would be too big for me. I wasn't the biggest size they carried. I'm smaller than that. In other words, I'm getting more and more normal. 

And that's a little scary for me. 

So my bedroom looks like a tornado hit it. That tornado is called Kelly needs to get rid of anything and everything bigger than a 28. Why a 28 when I'm pushing a 24 now? Because my brain can't wrap around that number, and quite frankly I own like two things in a size 24 or smaller, so if I get rid of everything above a 24 I will either be doing laundry every two days, or extremely naked and stinky. And nobody wants that. Trust me. 

So my once overflowing drawers are becoming extremely bare. My once annoyingly full closet is getting very very empty. And it feels great. But it also feels terrifying, because I don't know that I've settled into my skin yet. The skin that lets me shop at JC Pennys. Or the skin that actually looked decent in a dress the other day. That's right facebookland, I, Kelly Lynch, wore a dress, and it wasn't for a wedding. 

I've actually always loved wearing dresses! I know, no one would believe that since my entire wardrobe has consisted of pants, but I love wearing dresses. I've just never worn them because I was self conscious about my body. My legs, my knees, my hips, and waist. 

Dresses don't hide body parts well, they accentuate them. And I've spent my entire life hiding my body, ashamed of how it looks. So, dresses couldn't be a part of my repertoire. Only last week I decided "screw this, I have a pretty red dress that is quickly getting too big for me, and I want to wear it at least once before I give it away!". So I put that dress on, did my hair up, and put on make up and went to work. 

And I almost pulled into Kohls to buy an outfit before walking in. 

The entire drive into work I did one of two things: I listened to Glee's version of I Feel Pretty/Unpretty, and I talked to one of my best friends on the phone. He was sweet with me. He listened to me drone on and on about being afraid that I would never be more than the side show circus freak, and also being afraid that I might really be pretty, and just never know it. Would I ever accept myself? Would the mirror ever show me kindness? In truth, would I ever show me kindness? 

The answer last week was though my emotions, my brain might be telling me that I was ugly and needed to hide, my actions, my will, was to put on a red dress and show up to work. I decided that though I wasn't feeling it in the slightest, I would act like I was owning that outfit. Fake it 'til you make it, right? And so I drove past Kohls. I walked right up to my office, and in I went to my desk. I didn't even make it to my chair before people on my team were making a huge fuss. I smiled, blushed, acted like it was no big deal, and hung on every word they said. 

I was pretty. 

They thought I was pretty. 

Here I was exposing myself in a way I had always tried to hide, and rather than being mocked, or laughed at, or worse, I was being appreciated and even complimented. I wish I could own that for myself. I wish I could look at me and like Rondale and say "Whaaaaat???" in a way only Rondale can, or like Cynthia say, "Ummm, hello Gorgeous!!" or have Leroy's constant belief that if I look good, I have a hot date. Heck, I still don't think any man would give me a second look, let alone be my hot date, but Leroy thinks I could. Or Bobby, who told me I was owning that dress. 

And I smile, and blush, and act like it's no big deal, while I hang on every word they say. 

But it's not just about wearing the dress. What about all of the comments and texts I've been getting from people telling me how good I look when I post a before and after picture on facebook? They chip away at those walls up around my heart and start to let a little light through. A little light that says, maybe you don't have to hide. Maybe the mirror is a liar. Maybe the mirror is just a piece of glass, and you've been really mean to yourself for a really long time Kell. 

So, today I'm cleaning out my closet. I'm getting rid of all of my size 34, 32, and 30 clothes because I'm not that girl. That was all just a shield to hide who I am. And I'm still trying to figure out who that girl is, but I'm spending less time trying to hide her. I'm a solid 26 now (really I'm a 24, I just don't have very many 24's), and I'm trying to learn how to be ok with that. 

The sad thing is that that red dress was already too big for me. So it's now folded neatly in a black garbage sack to be given away. I only ever wore it once, but I hope it does for some other girl what it did for me. I hope it makes them feel pretty. 

Speaking of...if you or someone you know wants my old clothes, send me a message. I personally know how hard it can be to find clothes that fit, and I've spent more money than I care to share on these clothes (especially since plus sized jeans don't come for anything less than $60 a pair). If you want them, they are all your's! If not, they are going to Good Will this week while I go off to Ireland. And when I come back, I get to be the new Kelly. Well, at least I get to work on being her. 

With a slightly emptier closet.